Trinity Episcopal Church on Mackinac Island, Michigan, is one of several Episcopal Churches in the Eastern Region of the Diocese of Northern Michigan, which is part of The Episcopal Church (TEC).
People of all faiths and denominations are always welcome at Trinity and invited to share our Eucharist.
Trinity is supported by our bishop, the Rt. Reverend Rayford Ray and a Ministry Developer who lives in the Eastern Region and serves as a resource for the churches in this region.
If you’re planning a Mackinac Island wedding or vow renewal, Trinity Church’s quiet, historic, worshipful, reverent setting may be perfect for you. For almost 130 years, Trinity Episcopal Church has been the site for many beautiful, meaningful spiritual events. We would be honored to be a part of your event any time of the year.
For more information visit www.trinitymackinac.org.
Feature photo credit: Trinity Episcopal
1637 Fort Street Mackinac Island, MI